Respect the Rally Monkey
I can't believe the Angels are going to the World Series. I remember going to Angels games way back when, when idiots like Tony Armas and Claudell Washington roamed the outfield, and Jack Powell and Dick Schofield stumbled around in the infield. I remember a Wally Joyner grand slam landing just out of my reach (in the bullpen) when I sat in the bleachers with my dad. The friggin Angels. The most bland, generic, no-nothing team ever created, is going to the World Series. Hope for the White Sox after all. Angels better win it this year, tho, cuz they're not built for the long haul, and who knows when you'll get this lucky again.
Web Site dedicated to Guitar Face: A Horrible, Disfiguring Condition
Ever think about something, and then a few days later run across the answer to what you were thinking about? I love the Internet.
NOTE: David Johanson has no detectable guitar face. He's pretty calm looking. He actually sometimes turns away from the audience.
I was reading the book reviews section of the newspaper today, and came across one for a new historical work (Mary Beth Norton's
In the Devil's Snare) about the Salem witch trials. One might wonder why the Salem witch hunts got so out of control, considering witch accusations had happened in the area before, but never to that level. The author contends that between the ravages of living through a harsh winter and the constant and deadly threat of Indian attack, the Salem community was on edge, and when the first accusations were made, the atmosphere was ripe for it to snowball out of control. Community leaders, sensing the opportunity to place the blame on a convenient outside threat to draw focus away from their own failures in defending the community, jumped on the bandwagon, invoking the spiritual rhetoric of witchcraft, fueled on by the affected citizens testifying to visions with "Indians dancing with witches," and who knows how many innocent lives were ruined. All that to say (and this might be too big of a leap), it got me to start thinking about our current national leadership, and how it so eagerly leaps to single out one specific enemy, and to heap all the blame on it, using spiritual rhetoric.
Or maybe I had drank too much coffee when I was reading the paper. should come in handy when I get a new job.
Wolf was the TV highlight of the weekend. Heh. How can anyone take a movie with Jack Nicholson pretending to be a wolf (with all the requisite fake teeth, lurching walk, and running on all fours) seriously? Like the one scene where he hunts down the deer in the forest. Do I laugh? Is it supposed to be scary? I don't know what to do.