Catholics Flock to Fence-Post Virgin Mary
Sure looks like a fence post to moi. But hey, if it helps people deal with their fears or whatever easier, then I'm for it.
Watched a little bit of Lakers vs. Knicks this evening, just in time to watch Kobe put a sick crossover on the right baseline to ditch Sprewell, come around under the hoop and slam it home, on the way to 44 pts. Next trip down, Spree sticks a 3 with Kobe in his grille. The NBA sucks, but the mano-a-mano stuff is still good.
Burt Bacharach joins Dr Dre
Stuff like this is exactly why we can't afford to lose Will Ferrell from SNL.
Coming soon to a bridal boutique near you: LOTR wedding gear
My friend Katie will FREAK when she hears about this. On a semi-related note, here are Arthurian biographies from, rather informative, and nice pics.
I'm sure everyone by now has heard about the Matrix video games. Here's CNN's take, and the official website.
I didn't know Raiders of the Lost Ark had deleted scenes. DVD!
I gotta work on Saturday. Those accursed Winterfest registrations. Have a good weekend.
Sure looks like a fence post to moi. But hey, if it helps people deal with their fears or whatever easier, then I'm for it.
Watched a little bit of Lakers vs. Knicks this evening, just in time to watch Kobe put a sick crossover on the right baseline to ditch Sprewell, come around under the hoop and slam it home, on the way to 44 pts. Next trip down, Spree sticks a 3 with Kobe in his grille. The NBA sucks, but the mano-a-mano stuff is still good.
Burt Bacharach joins Dr Dre
Stuff like this is exactly why we can't afford to lose Will Ferrell from SNL.
Coming soon to a bridal boutique near you: LOTR wedding gear
My friend Katie will FREAK when she hears about this. On a semi-related note, here are Arthurian biographies from, rather informative, and nice pics.
I'm sure everyone by now has heard about the Matrix video games. Here's CNN's take, and the official website.
I didn't know Raiders of the Lost Ark had deleted scenes. DVD!
I gotta work on Saturday. Those accursed Winterfest registrations. Have a good weekend.