Top places to see before you die
Grand Canyon? Been there. Australia's Great Barrier Reef is a good choice. But Disney World? Please. Personally, I'd want to see more of Europe. Wine country in Italy, the parts of Greece right on the Mediterranean, the Alps. I'd definitely want to visit Jerusalem some time. Where would you want to go? I wouldn't want to go anywhere
near THIS.
I'm hobbling around doing the "old man walk," where I take little baby steps because I can't bend my legs much. Maybe this is why we play football every
other week.
Deer hunting goes high-tech
GPS? Laser-calibrated rifles? Where's the challenge in "hunting" deer? You should call it
shooting deer. And it reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Homer, Barney and Moe take Bart out deer hunting because they're afraid he might turn gay. To which Bart responds "Bunch of guys out in the woods, all alone? Sounds pretty gay to me." Ha. is a great place for movie trailers. It'd be more useful to me if I wasn't on the mighty dial-up connection.
I want to run out and get the Platinum edition LOTR DVD. Soon. Very soon. I might be running out of cash, but I have to get that. Helps to have Best Buy gift cards.
A belated thanks to veterans on Veterans' Day. Commemoration of war veterans makes me think of
Abraham Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby (which was quoted beautifully in
Saving Private Ryan), especially "...that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom."
For you work slackers, try out
Ghostzilla. Although it does seem more work than it's worth.