Hope everyone had a good, satisfying Thanksgiving. I ate my fair share of Thanksgiving food just like everybody else did, which inevitably got me thinking about
stuff like this. Do you really like turkey? We sat around at a family friends' and ate a lot of Korean food, which I think suits us better, altho there was turkey present, and I did have some. It's all in the gravy.
Are they worthless? Are they facts?
You decide.
Good to see my brother, who was home from U of I. It's almost offensive to me what a complete joke his academic schedule is. He's taking one final (?!) this semester. The only reason I even care at all is that he has a less rigorous schedule at a cheaper school and will probably get a better paying job once he's done. Dang. That $100K I spent for Northwestern tuition is gonna hang over my head forever if I let it. (Part of my brother's Human Physiology curriculum is a coloring book.
A coloring book!!) I wish I knew undergrad didn't matter as much if you were going to grad school. Bleah.
I can't believe it's December. You know what that means: nonstop crappy Christmas music wherever you go. Any Christmas music I listen to, outside of church, is solely regulated to
Over the Rhine's take on them. Incidently, they will be in Chicago (at
Schuba's) on the 7th. Who wants to go? Don't make me go by myself, you jerks.
Changing Lanes over the holiday. A lot better than I thought it would be. Ben Affleck and Sam Jackson both play characters you can actually sympathize with, which is something they don't do often (for different reasons). In theatres,
Solaris has piqued my curiosity, because Steven Soderbergh tends to make interesting films.
Check out the
Hidden Song Archive, a working index of hidden music tracks. Back when people still put those in. I think my favorite was this Nirvana song (I forget the name) off of the
No Alternative collection.